Equality Act

Results: 1929

31Social inequality / Equality rights / Egalitarianism / Politics / Structure / Inequality / Equality Act / LGBT history / Discrimination / Equality impact assessment / Equal opportunity / Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act

Draft letter to public body asking about how they are complying with duties under the Equality Act The letter should be sent to the person responsible for the particular decision, policy or proposal you are concerned abo

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Source URL: thewomensresourcecentre.org.uk

Language: English - Date: 2013-01-22 02:19:06
32Abuse / Behavior / Criminal law / Human behavior / Crown Prosecution Service / Prosecution / Prosecution of Offences Act / Director of Public Prosecutions / Gender equality / Hate crime / Disability hate crime

Crown Prosecution Service Single Equality SchemeAnnual Report June 2009

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Source URL: www.cps.gov.uk

Language: English - Date: 2009-12-02 08:04:00
33Geography of Europe / Europe / Social inequality / Politics / Equality and diversity / Equal opportunity / Equal Opportunities Commission / Gibraltar / Discrimination / Sex Discrimination Act / Equality and Human Rights Commission

CONSConsultation Paper on the creation of a draft set of regulations to establish the Equal Opportunities Commission.

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Source URL: www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi

Language: English - Date: 2015-10-12 06:01:40
34Family / LGBT / Gender / Sexual orientation / COLAGE / Defense of Marriage Act / Same-sex relationship / LGBT parenting / Family Equality Council / Same-sex marriage / Zach Wahls / Equality Illinois

Nos, 12-307 ================================================================ In The Supreme Court of the United States

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Source URL: www.familyequality.org

Language: English - Date: 2013-03-01 09:32:21
35Equality rights / Egalitarianism / Social inequality / Structure / Politics / Inequality / Anti-racism / Disability rights / Equality Act / Social equality / Welsh language / Equality impact assessment

Strategic Equality Plan and ObjectivesWorking for

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Source URL: gov.wales

Language: English - Date: 2016-01-27 09:29:27
36Behavior / Misconduct / Human behavior / YWCA / Crime / Violence / Gender equality / Gender / EGM: prevention of violence against women and girls / Futures Without Violence

Microsoft Word - ACT Award Briefing_YWCA (1).docx

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Source URL: napcan.org.au

Language: English - Date: 2015-10-07 20:37:16
37Department for Culture /  Media and Sport / Equality Act / LGBT history / Government Equalities Office / Social equality / Politics / Structure / Law / Equality and Human Rights Commission

BAN response to the policy review paper on the Equality Act 2010 and specifically to “The public sector Equality Duty: reducing bureaucracy”. Black & Minority Ethnic Advice Network Delivering Advice, Information And

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Source URL: www.bmeadvicenetwork.org.uk

Language: English - Date: 2014-09-08 10:08:48
38LGBT / Human behavior / Homophobia / Same-sex marriage in the United States / Gender / LGBT rights in Massachusetts / Freedom to Marry / Defense of Marriage Act / Same-sex marriage / Marriage / GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders / Marriage Equality Act

A N N UA L R E P O RTLouise Bourgeois I do, 2010 Working to Win Marriage Nationwide

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Source URL: s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com

Language: English - Date: 2015-10-28 16:30:15
39Human behavior / Behavior / Law / Discrimination / Prejudices / United Kingdom labour law / Abuse / Workplace bullying / Disability Discrimination Act / Ableism / Equality Act / Ageism

Judicial College Equal Treatment Bench Book 2013

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Source URL: www.judiciary.gov.uk

Language: English - Date: 2015-10-13 10:44:05
40Employment compensation / United Kingdom labour law / Sexism / Equal pay for equal work / Equal Pay Act / Human resource management / Economy / Labour law / United Kingdom employment equality law / United States labor law

Model Agreement on Equal Pay

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Source URL: www.atl.org.uk

Language: English - Date: 2015-11-18 09:41:20